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The Introduction

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This is an informative blog from a current Sprint employee to educate Sprint customers on frequently asked questions and to resolve reoccurring issues and problems.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


“Mr. Sprint Man, every time I call I always get some damn foreigner or someone that can’t speak good enough American [Edit: “can’t speak English well enough…”], are there ways I can call in and only speak with an American rep?”

The Answer:  Believe it or not, questions like this are common (well common for my inbox at least).  I just want to let you all know, for the ones that keep asking this question that there is no special cue to speak to an operator that doesn’t work for an outsourcing company that’s overseas.  When you dial the 1-800 number or Star 2 from your hand set it routes the call wherever it likes and once it lands on a rep, that’s who you have to speak to… and you can’t beat the system by telling that rep (English speaking or not) to transfer your call to a specific location or “to somebody that speaks English!” because when that rep transfers they have no control over where the call lands either. 

However if you “habla espanol” (pardon me if I’m saying this wrong) we can send you to a Spanish speaking operator.

Keep them coming folks, I will even answer the crazy questions!


Thursday, March 11, 2010

"Can I Change My Bill Due Date??"

“Hey Mr. Sprint Man, I’m on disability and I get paid once a month… but my Sprint bill is always due on the 29th and I get my check on the 3rd of each month, I called once to tell them [Sprint] to have my bill due on the 3rd of each month but they never changed it, can it be changed??”

The Answer:  Yes you can change your Sprint bill due date.  Get in touch with our Customer Care department and they can change it, however your bill has to be CURRENT in order for us to change the bill’s due date.  That means, you can’t have any past due balance on your account and if you only have one balance it cannot be a day late when you call us in to change it.  Now the rep you spoke with might’ve thought they knew what they were doing when they tried to make the change, but they didn’t.  The computer system will not change your billing cycle if you have a delinquent balance.

Did you find this information useful?

If you have anymore questions concerning thi e-mail me at

Consulted and I’m Done

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Understanding Your Billing Cycle


“Why am I getting billed for this date on that date??”

“If my billing cycle starts on this date, then doesn’t that mean my bill should be due on that date??”

“My bill ain’t due until the end of my billing cycle!!!!” 

Questions like these and many other questions similar to these tell me that a lot of you don’t understand your billing cycle.  Let me break this down for you all quick and painlessly…

What’s The Difference Between The Bill Date and Bill Due Date?
- Your bill date is NOT your bill due date!  Your bill date is the date your bill comes out on… your bill DUE DATE is always 20 days after your bill date.  For example if your bill dates are always on the 4th of each month then your bill will be due on the 24th.  Your bill date is when your bill posts.
- Let me repeat, your bill due date is NOT the last day in your billing cycle.

When does your minutes start over? 
-  At the beginning of your billing cycle.

Am I Billed In Advance?
-  That’s a tricky one, if you have pro-rated charges you…. well let me explain that in another post, I don’t want to confuse anyone… but this is how it works, whatever you use in March isn’t due until April, etc. understand?

If you have any other questions concerning your billing cycle e-mail me at and I will iron out the details for you. 

Consulted and I’m Done
